Mountain Coast elopement wedding photographer Oregon. Capturing Love in the Heart of the Pacific Northwes

Kate & Igor

It is difficult to express in words all my admiration for the photos taken by Georgy!!!
When I saw the finished photos, I had tears of happiness in my eyes, how subtly, sensually he conveyed our great love!
We are so beautiful and happy! This is something incredible! Full delight! I will never get tired of saying a huge thank you to him for such a great job!
Georgy is a wonderful person with whom it is comfortable and easy to relax in the frame!

Kate P., bride

We want to express our huge gratitude to Georgy for the incredible wedding photos.
Georgy is a true professional with an amazing sense of taste.We did not regret at all that he was the one who took our wedding photos.
If you want your photos not to look like millions of others, then this is the place for you.
Thank you again for the wonderful emotions and memories.

Igor P., groom.